The Royal Tenenbaums as an IQ test
After watching TRT on cable the other night, my wife and I came to the conclusion that the movie is one that you can use to instantly judge a person's intelligence.
It's an easy test. At a party or upon meeting some people for the first time, movies are an inevitable topic of conversation. By bringing up TRT, you can instantly tell a great deal about the person you're speaking with. If they like or love TRT -- thumbs up. If not, then give them the old boot.
Come to think of it, this test would work great for people on dates, assessing co-workers and work colleagues, even finding out a little something about mom and dad.
This test is on par with asking a guy 30 or older if he likes architecture. Women, if the answer is "no" or he shows little interest, run (no sprint) the other way...The guy's either looking to score or is a cement head -- someone who would show up on a reality TV show or as The Bachelor or something.
Another movie that this test works for -- Unbreakable by M. Night Shyamalan, starring Bruce Willis and Samuel L. Jackson.
Go out, test your friends and family. I'd love to share the results.
Have a great day!
Bob Batchelor